To be able to build your honey bees farm in the future you Must begin to learn everything about :
- the life cycle of bees .
- How do bees live .
- What is the function of each member of a bee .
- What are diseases that can afflict the bees .
- how to feed bees .
- how i can care the bees .
why we have to study all that ? you must ask yourself .
Here is the answer :
you Can get 40 kg of honey bees or more from each bees house you own . is that good enough ?
if the answer is yes let me say the good news , you will also get some Royal Food , Pollen , wax ,
the big surprise : you can Double your honey bees houses you have every year !! , also your honey !!
that means if you start only 10 bees houses this year you may start your Fourth year with 80 to 100 bees houses in your farm ,
i think that is good enough ,
am i right ??
- the life cycle of bees .
- How do bees live .
- What is the function of each member of a bee .
- What are diseases that can afflict the bees .
- how to feed bees .
- how i can care the bees .
why we have to study all that ? you must ask yourself .
Here is the answer :
you Can get 40 kg of honey bees or more from each bees house you own . is that good enough ?
if the answer is yes let me say the good news , you will also get some Royal Food , Pollen , wax ,
the big surprise : you can Double your honey bees houses you have every year !! , also your honey !!
that means if you start only 10 bees houses this year you may start your Fourth year with 80 to 100 bees houses in your farm ,
i think that is good enough ,
am i right ??
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